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Pima Partnership High School

Word of the Day

The Word of the Day is a great tool for building student's vocabulary, developing critical thinking skills and raising test scores.  The size of a person's working vocabulary is both a measure of educational attainment and a key to academic and career success.


Each day at Pima Partnership High School, students are exposed to a new word through daily announcements and in their classrooms.  Displayed below is the current Word of the Day.  Click on the word to view a picture that helps to describe that word.



August 24 – 28


Cornucopia (n) - a container that is shaped like a horn and is full of fruits and flowers


A cornucopia is generally associated with Thanksgiving.


Corporeal (adj) - having or consisting of a physical body or form


Vampires, unlike ghosts, are corporeal.

Corrugate (v) - to form or shape into wrinkles or folds or into alternating ridges and grooves


A machine was used to corrugate the metal used for the roof.


Corsair (n) – a pirate


The corsair and his crew buried their treasure on a remote island.


Cotillion (n) - a large formal party for dancing


People from all over attended the cotillion held at the community center.

Word of the Day Archive

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August 17 - 21


Convex (adj) - having a shape like the outside of a bowl : curving outward

A convex mirror was placed on the pole so people could see around the blind spot on the road.


Cooper (n) - a person who makes or repairs wooden barrels

In colonial times, if a person needed a new barrel or one repaired, they would go to the town's cooper.


Copious (adj) - very large in amount or number

There was a copious number of flamingoes at the lake.


Cornet (n) - a valved brass instrument resembling a trumpet

The musician bought a new cornet when she joined the marching band.


Cornice (n) - the decorative top edge of a building or column

The architects designed the new building to include a cornice.



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