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Pima Partnership High School


Focus on Achievement

Pima Partnership High School has clearly defined and measurable expectations for high academic achievement, which makes sense based on students' backgrounds.  Students, teachers and staff create and reinforce a culture of achievement and support through a variety of formal and informal channels.  Simply put, the PPHS staff is relentless in its efforts to ensure that each student is academcially successfully and college and career ready.

Small Class Sizes/Credit Recovery

It's no secret that small class sizes mean a student has more access to his/her teacher, and with more access comes improved student achievement.  It is for this reason that Pima Partnership High School works diligently to ensure that each class is kept to a certain number of students.  Additionally, we at PPHS understand that some students arrive with a need to gain back high school credits that they might have missed along the way.  To help facilitate this process, we offer credit recovery classes before, during and after school to help students graduate and put them back on track.

College and Graduation

Pima Partnership High School has a history of helping students achieve academically and ensuring they have the resources they need to graduate from college.  We work hard to get scholarships for our stududents, and to find other means of funding for their education.  Our students attend Pima Community College, the University of Arizona, Kansas State University and more!

About Us

  • Our Mission


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